Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

I try not to review really popular books, but this one is special. One of my mentors once told me that it is especially important to read and pay attention to what is popular with your age range. If you can keep up with these trends, it makes it easier to connect with the people you work with. I have found this piece of advice to ring true. 

When a kid asks for a Rick Riordan book, I love to start a conversation with them about the books. When I do this, I find that the kids get really excited, and the next time they come in they remember me. It has been a great way to open the door to start to build relationships with new tweens. 

So when I received a copy of the newest Riordan book, I jumped at the chance to read it. 

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard 
By: Rick Riordan 

Book Trailer 


The book is long, but it is perfect for Riordan's growing fan base. I love that it starts off saying that the Magnus is going to die. As a reader, you instantly know this book is going to be packed with action!

With this action, Riordan continues to make this a family series by adding some references that adults would appreciate. He compares Magnus to looking like Kirk Cobain.

He also sprinkles some other  cultural references like Taylor Swift in the book too. I really enjoyed this aspect. I especially enjoyed the diversity and a variety of characters including dwarfs and elves.  

If these wasn't enough, he further entices fans of Percy Jackson by bringing Annabeth  into the story as Magnus's cousin.

I am interested to see how this crossover will take place. This will be especially interesting with Riordan's new book The Trials of Apollo that features Percy. Could we see a crossover in both books?


This book is too similar to Percy Jackson for me. I found the plot to be predictable and repetitive to his previous works.  The character Magnus even had a similar voice to Jackson. Even though it was repetitive, I still couldn't put it down.
Perhaps it is a Riordan spell that is hidden in the mist of  this book.

Overall, this was a fun read. I needed a break from realistic fiction, and this provided the perfect avenue. Riordan has done it again! It ended on a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what happens next.

What are some of your favorite tweens series?


Helpful links about Norse Mythology 

Norse mythology and Thor is always an interesting subject. As I read this book, I learned a lot about Norse Mythology that I was not aware of.  I wanted to find out more. Here are some helpful links that I used to find out more information:

Cliffsnotes- Cliffsnotes provides a great overview of the mythology in general. This makes a great reference as you are reading the book.

Vikings Beliefs and Stories - This site is powered by BBC and provides a great overview of Viking stories for kids. I would recommend this  resource to kids that want to learn more.

Interview with Rick Riordan- This interview is wonderful! It goes into why Riordan made his book the way he did, and provides a little extra.

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