Monster High

I decided to try something new last week, and try to do a Monster High Program. I was excited! I watched the movies, read the books, and looked up the new live action movie coming in 2015. After all of this careful planning... I had one person show up.

My one person, was a huge fan. Having that one person excited for the program, made the program a success for me, but I wish I had more.

I am finding it difficult to get grade school students to come to programs at the library. I have noticed that my library gets a high grade school audience in the summer, but during the school year it is low.

I chose to do Monster High because I have noticed it on a lot of school bags, toys, and TV commercials. My program was aimed at tweens and grade school, but maybe I had the wrong audience.

 I want to do something a little different. I feel like my tweens constantly ask for Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, but I need something outside of this.

What are you doing at your library? Do you have trouble getting a grade school / tween audience during the school year too?

1 comment

  1. You need to do a Minecraft program! There are lots of offline ideas on Pinterest. I like the idea of doing Perler bead keychains but we haven't tried it yet. We are having another Minecraft program this summer but it will be drop in instead of an hour long. Check out our Monday Madness blog for other ideas. Our program is geared toward grades 1-5 but you might be able to modify it older.
